Hi all, I’m not sure what you all are up to on a Friday night. But I’m watching twitter, thinking about OpenPCR, and lo and behold, Eri’s talk from the Open Science Conference (OSCON) flew by. It’s great, and I recommend you check it out, and OpenPCR makes a live appearance. Video below!
Join Eri Gentry, founder of BioCurious, the world’s first “hackerspace for biology” on a journey from garage biology to community lab.
For the first time, serious biological research can be done at home. With the decreasing costs of biotech equipment came a growing community of amateur biologists. The most common name for this group is “DIYbio” (Do-It-Yourself biology), a 2,000 plus group of scientists, students, engineers, artists and entpreneurs, whose interests range from wanting to learn how genetic testing works to wanting to completely overhaul the ivory tower that is scientific research.
Also, Paul + friends at the Melbourne Hackerspace in Australia are assembling 1 or 2 OpenPCR kits as you read this. Paul mentioned a UStream/Google+ discussion, so stay tuned! Check out Twitter (https://twitter.com/#!/search/openpcr) and discuss on the OpenPCR Google Group.
Hi,I’m wangqin,from china.Now, I’m working for Educational Equipment Research Institute of Ministry of Education.OpenPCR is a intersting inovation,as I found it on net, I was attracted to it immediately. It is a good idea! it is so convient that Using OpenPCR, you can do PCR experiment everywhere in a low costs. To my surprise, it can be driven only by a small notebook. I wonder may be any other device with a usb port , such as a iPad or somethin else, can drive OpenPCRkit in regular enviroment and in wild.
Maybe there have some opptunities to us to improve OPenPcr kit and the idea of OpenScience in china.
We have alread the tools for doing PCR on our own but still depend on secuencing facilities to provide us with the results. How does the things for an openSequencing machine? How long will we have to look into the future for this considering present technology?